On screen rendering using LaTeX interpreter changed few times. There here problems regarding output image output format. First I used the PPM format, but it doesn't support transparency. So it was changed to a BMP format. After some time implementing the reader for this format and testing, result was that GhostScript don't work nice with this format. So it was changed again to PNG format.
With new format there are nice transparent rendering of LaTeX file ( constructed in Octave ) and GhostScript use subsample anti aliasing to produce nice image. This data is then read from PNG image and transferred to OpenGL buffer.
Upgraded interpreter have some new functionality. It can change color of text in octave directly and then apply this color to all text, that isn't previously colored. This exception is added because user can
use coloring of text directly in input string this way user can have multicolored text. User can change the size of font directly in Octave using 'fontsize' parameter, example bellow.
title('Text \color{red}{colored}','interpreter','latex','color','blue');
To change size of text user can use 'fontsize' property. Trough this property user change the resolution of output from GhostScript and this is scaled to represent direct change of font size in points.
As you can see it needs to be encapsulated inside dollar signs. Adding bold, italic and others type of text is an option, but as Matlab don't support this we won't support this also.
As you can see there are some things that could be upgraded. First and obvious is alignment, but this isn't the priority. Next step is to check for libraries and dependencies. And to configure this new interpreter to work on all large platforms. To check how development is evolving feel free to download from my online repository.
With new format there are nice transparent rendering of LaTeX file ( constructed in Octave ) and GhostScript use subsample anti aliasing to produce nice image. This data is then read from PNG image and transferred to OpenGL buffer.
Upgraded interpreter have some new functionality. It can change color of text in octave directly and then apply this color to all text, that isn't previously colored. This exception is added because user can
use coloring of text directly in input string this way user can have multicolored text. User can change the size of font directly in Octave using 'fontsize' parameter, example bellow.
title('Text \color{red}{colored}','interpreter','latex','color','blue');
To change size of text user can use 'fontsize' property. Trough this property user change the resolution of output from GhostScript and this is scaled to represent direct change of font size in points.
And here is example of using the mathematics special characters:
title('$\oint \! \nabla f \, \dif t = 0$','interpreter','latex','fontsize',48);
As you can see it needs to be encapsulated inside dollar signs. Adding bold, italic and others type of text is an option, but as Matlab don't support this we won't support this also.
As you can see there are some things that could be upgraded. First and obvious is alignment, but this isn't the priority. Next step is to check for libraries and dependencies. And to configure this new interpreter to work on all large platforms. To check how development is evolving feel free to download from my online repository.