Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New timeline

When someone send application to GSoC, part of this application is proposed timeline. I wrote timeline proposal, thinking about how can this project be split into parts. Then I just arranged this parts according to their among dependence. Original timeline can be found here .

After intro task, I started working on main priority, adding LaTeX markup to Octave. This markup will be new functionality. When interpreter value of text box on some plot is set to "LaTeX", it should be rendered using LaTeX system and then added on plot trough OpenGL rendering. There is a need to redefine timeline. This need arose because different concept of project, than I've imagined. And because I spend sometime to intro task, that should ( it was expected ) be done during bounding period.

TIMELINE  << LaTeX markup project >>

Week 1 - (17.06 ÷ 23.06) - Preparation and intro task
This week was consumed for preparation. Preparation consisted
of reading the code. Installing all program necessary for development.
And work on intro task has started.

Week 2 - (24.06 ÷ 30.06) - Intro task and additional depencies
As it turned this intro task - adding lineheight property to text objects
on plots. After finishing this task, patch was made and added to patch
GNU Octave patch manager. Using additional programs parts of LaTeX
system and Ghostscript, markup code was successfully converter to
.eps file and then to .png file, manually.

Week 3 - (01.07 ÷ 03.07) - Adapter for LaTeX system
Adapter for transferring LaTeX markup is working. Additional code
that call dvips and Ghostscript is working too. It does this using system
function in C. Adapter and additional code are connected and tested
using this source for examples of formulas.

Week 4/5 - (08.07 ÷ 19.07) - Image quality and implementing code
Now when there is micro system for transferring markup and converting
markup code to bitmap image ready, it should be implemented directly into
Octave code. Questions are where and how exactly. Another thing to look after
is quality of bitmap images. Characters on image should be smooth, no matter
what size they are on final plot.

Week 6 - (22.07 ÷ 29.07) - Passing image to OpenGL and testing
Final image have to be placed to OpenGL buffer for further rendering. This will be done
modifying text::properties::update_text_extend and similar methods. After this part is
finished it should be tested and if needed upgrading code for better performance.

Mid - term evaluations (30.07 ÷ 01.08) 

Until mid - term there should be, as my mentor calls it proof-of-concept. After that it should be only upgraded. First thing is supporting LaTeX markup for printing formats. After that everything will be tested on Windows and OS X platforms. Every problem with other
platforms solved. And in end code should be configured. As example if there is something missing, we cant use LaTeX markup.

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